My friend Jennifer and her dad had a standing “date” on New Year’s Day. They would go to a coffee shop to set their intentions for the coming year. Those intentions would then be sealed in an envelope and stored in her dad’s desk for the next 365 days. Each year, they pulled out those sealed envelopes and reflected over their accomplishments before writing a new set of intentions.

Surprisingly, over 80% of those intentions came to pass, even though there were no weekly reviews, to do lists, or focused agendas! The envelopes stayed sealed the entire year.

I love that Jennifer did this with her dad. So special. It says so much about their intimate and supportive relationship. I would have liked to meet him.

What could it be, that made this process so powerful?

1. Clarity. Getting clear about what you want in your life, enough to write it down, focuses your attention.

2. Direction. Hearing yourself say what you want out loud plants the idea in the back of your mind. Without knowing it, your subconscious intentions influence your decisions.

3. Partnership. Sharing your dreams with another person feels as if there are two of you conspiring to make it happen. Like a secret handshake.

4. Specific Details. As you share your intentions, you describe the details that help you refine your vision.

5. Relaxed Attitude. Intentions for the joy of it! No pressure. A pleasant experience. Special time with dad. An unconscious association of good feelings. Trust.

I should ask Jennifer about that. What I remember her telling me is that she often forgot what she had written. At the end of the year, when they reviewed the highlights of the previous year, she was almost always surprised to discover that her intentions had come true – even the ones she had completely forgotten about.

What intentions will you hold for the coming year?