When Karen (KC) Carlson (Video4Results) spoke to the Natural Healers Network in Los Gatos, she reminded us of the power of the testimonial video. There are two aspects to this.

The most obvious purpose of a testimonial video is to establish your credibility. Ask your clients for a short (less than three minutes) testimonial that you can record on the spot. Overcome their nervousness by assuring them that you will prepare them for the recording, and that you are willing to re-record until they are satisfied.

Assist your client to remember and focus on the specific and measurable ways you have made a difference in their life by giving them a short form to fill out. Once they have a few sentences, their confidence will return, and they will relax as they begin to focus on you and the benefits they have experienced through your work.

A second, less obvious, use of the testimonial is free marketing. When you take the time to create testimonials for other practitioners, you support yourself as well as the other practitioner.

Think about this: your picture, name, business name, and website link will appear with your testimonial on the other practitioner’s website. You gain visibility. Other people, who visit the other practitioner’s website, will have a chance to hear you speak, to “meet” you, and to feel your energy. This expands your reach, and may generate more leads for you.

It is another example of how, when we strive to be of service to others, we often receive more than we give. By the way, note the difference between “giving in order to receive” and giving from the heart. One is far more effective than the other.

Image Credit: bizdharma.com